Tools to Automate Accounts Receivable and Collection Personnel
- Accept “Deposits” or “Prepayments” on the Sales Order form (and auto transfer of payment to the Invoice when it is created later)
- Accept payments on Invoice form on the fly.
- Quickly choose from a secured listing of predefined customer charge account cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, etc.
- Accept multiple forms of payment at the time of the sale.
- Quickly calculate change due for cash payments.
- The Invoice screen (and printed forms) display all payments, balance due, plus automatic “Paid” or “Late” stamp
- Dynamic determination and notification, at the time of each sale, if a customer is or should be placed on “Credit Hold”
- Three levels of Credit Hold: “COD”, “Credit Hold” and “Administrative Credit Hold”. (“Administrative Credit Hold”, which can only be selected or un-selected by company owners and accounting personnel, allows orders to be entered, but prevents items from being shipped, invoices from being created, and invoices, picking tickets and packing slips from being printed)
- Immediate display of why a customer is on Credit Hold, including details such as: total past due, total outstanding balance, # invoices past due, # days past due of the oldest invoice, etc.
- Instant access to all details of customer credit, open invoices, aging, etc.
Receive Payments Screen
- View a summary of outstanding invoices and credit memo’s for each unique customer account.
- View the aging for each outstanding invoices (Current, 30 days, 60 days, etc.)
- Auto calculate and apply payment discounts and/or user defined payment discounts.
- Auto apply a lump sum payment to a group of invoices–oldest to newest.
- Accept payments in cash, check, credit card or other.
- Easily apply customer credit memo’s to open invoices
- Print reminder collection/dunning letters, with all account invoices and payment details auto inserted into the collection letter.
- Schedule and track collection calls, collections notes, etc.
- Print Customer Statements with numerous options, including:
- Various options to limit which customers will receive a statement.
- Ability to print statements displaying only the Open Items or displaying all account details using the Balance Forward option.
- An option to group statement activity, by shipping address–one a single statement.
- Options to auto print messages, based # days past due, amount past due, etc.
- An option to auto print a copy of outstanding invoices to insert with the customer statement.
Automated Creation of Finance Charge Invoices
- Determine which customers will or will not be included in the finance charge assessment process
- View a listing of each past due invoice, including amount past due, # days old, how much the finance charge will be, etc.
- Easily select and print a batch of invoices, with a single invoice for each applicable customer
- Easily void invoices that will not be paid by customers, without effecting regular invoice balances and payments, as Finance Charge invoices are completely separate from each of the past due invoices
- Easily determine what details and terms will be printed on the finance charge invoices
- Perform forecast scenarios by changing the Aging Date
- Instantly view the associated Invoice or prepaid Sales Order.
- Print many Accounts Receivable reports for close monitoring.
- Print Aged Summaries by type of receivable.
- Print reports of Invoices due in selected time period.
Entering A/P Bills
- Create AP Bills manually, or auto fill most details by linking the Bill to a related PO.
- Depending on user preferences, auto Create an AP Bill when a PO to a Supplier is received in full. (To help track and project cash flow needs).
- View the status (received/not recieved) of an associated PO from the AP Bill screen. View the PO with 1 click.
- Auto reconcilation of whether or not the Bill matches with an associated PO.
- Auto fill of the Payment Terms, Due Date, and default GL Debit and Credit account (based on the Supplier or Vendor selected).
- Option to allocate the GL debits across multiple GL Accounts.
- Apply multipile AP Bills to 1 PO or mutliple PO’s to 1 AP Bill.
- Auto updating of Inventory Costs associated to a Bill and PO when the PO item price is updated (if the item is a special order).
- Auto calculation of AP Bill discounts, when applicable.
- Ability to enter a ‘Projected Payment Date’ for more realistic cash flow analysis (vs just analysis by the ‘Due Date’).
Tracking and Paying A/P Bills (and Projected Cash Flow)
- Search for 1 (or a group of) AP Bills by multiple searching methods.
- Manage Amount Owed to Each Supplier or Vendor
- Display Aged Payable Balances
- Pay Multiple Invoices With One Check
- Allocate Check Amount Across Multiple Invoices
- Maintain Credit Balances With Suppliers
- Display Overdue Bills and their Due Dates
- Print Lists of Bills Coming Due By Custom Time Period
- Visually Pay By Check, Credit Card or Other
- Many Other PO, Expense Management, and Payables Reports
- Pay All Vendors/Create Multiple Checks with Few Keystrokes
To learn more about the features included in the Banking System in OneSource, please Contact Us
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