Increase Your Margins With Easier Item Pricing

Sell any item at any price without laborious setup and maintenance



The ‘Custom Pricing’ tab includes these Features:

  • A way to enter unique ‘custom’ pricing (that overrides that particular customers’ default pricing level) for individual items and/or or groups of items by type, supplier, etc (based a long list of pricing options)
  • Quickly determine the markup or net price for items being priced by x discount or just x price. (For example, if a 20% discount was entered for the item, for this customer, the markup, multiplier, and net price would also be auto calculated and displayed).
  • Put constraints or price breaks on any price or group of prices based on a date range, qty ordered, order total, etc
  • Quickly add groups of item prices (based on things like the customer type or size) using any one or more of the user defined Custom Pricing Templates.
  • Quickly update or edit groups of item prices (based on things like the customer type or size) using any one or more of the user defined Custom Pricing Templates.
  • Use the Print Pricing List button to print a list of that Customers’ prices for all of the items (in all of the groups) listed on the Custom Pricing Template.
  • Use the E-Mail Pricing List button to auto generate an email to the customer with their pricing on all of the items (in all of the groups) listed on the Custom Pricing tab.

To learn about more about how OneSource can simplify things that should be simple, please contact us.

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